“Strong State or Vulnerable Homeland: How Chinese State Media Sought to Combat Democratic Diffusion during the 2019 Hong Kong Protests.”  With Jessica Weiss. Journal of Contemporary China. 2023, 32(139), 1-17. [Pre-Print] [Post-Print]

— Media coverage: [Hong Kong Infosphere]

“Participation without Contestation: NGOs’ Autonomy and Advocacy in China.” With Zheng Su and Changdong Zhang. The China Quarterly. 2022, 251, 888-912. [Pre-Print] [Post-Print]

Peer-Reviewed Articles

“Cities for Whom? The 2017 Beijing Demolitions in Context.“ With Jeremy Wallace. In Weiping Wu and Qin Gao Eds. China Urbanizing: Impacts and Transitions. University of Pennsylvania Press. 2022. [Pre-Print][Post-Print]

Book Chapters

“Preemptive Coercion: Autocrats’ Demolition of Informal Settlement for Political Control.” Revise and Resubmit. [Pre-Print]

“From Demolition to Surveillance: The Governance of Informal Settlements in Post-Pandemic China.”

“Between ‘Out’ and ‘Never’: Why Bottom-up Resistance to COVID Lockdown in China is Not a Surprise.”

Working Papers

“Quantitative History of China’s Demolition of Informal Settlements: Evidence from Satellite Imagery.” 

“From Grid Plans to Spontaneous Markets: State Building and Spatial Legibility in Imperial China.”

Works in Progress

张长东、马诗琦,“中国社会团体自主性与政策倡议积极性”,《政治学研究》,2018年第5期,第67-78页。(Changdong Zhang and Shiqi Ma. 2018. “The Chinese Social Organizations’ Autonomy and Policy Advocacy Efforts.” CASS Journal of Political Science, 5, 67-78.)

马诗琦,“南非开发银行”,《全球开发性金融发展报告》,中国开发性金融促进会、北京大学国家发展研究院联合编写组,中信出版社,2016 年,第123-129,第373-379页。(Shiqi Ma. 2016. “Development Bank of Southern Africa.” in Global Development Financing Report, CAPDF & NSD eds., CITIC Publishing Group, 123-129, 373-379.)

Publications in Chinese